Our Numbers

Results that tell the story of the quality of our products.

We serve over 80 countries, delivering more than 10,000 machines for producing savory and sweet snacks, optimizing production processes.

Bralyx’s global presence and impressive numbers reinforce our customers’ satisfaction. They find in our machines the ideal solution to optimize their production processes.

+ 0 k
Years of markets
+ 0
Countries served
+ 0 k
+ 0 k
Businesses impacted
  • We are pioneers and creators of the tabletop coxinha machine;
  • We have been in the market for over 30 years;
  • We focus on providing a great consumer experience;
  • Our machines are developed with advanced technology and high-durability materials;
  • We have a highly qualified technical support team;
  • Technical assistance centers spread across Brazil and the world;
  • Our goal is to deliver the best options in efficiency and profitability;
  • Save on labor and gain in productivity;
  • The economic impact generated by our solutions is remarkable, thousands of food businesses are experiencing a significant increase in their revenues and profits.

Our numbers not only reflect the effectiveness of our products, but also highlight the important role we play in the financial strengthening of several companies and stimulating global economic development.

Check out customer experiences with our products.

Our Numbers

Results that tell the story of the quality of our products.

We serve over 80 countries, delivering more than 10,000 machines for producing savory and sweet snacks, optimizing production processes.

Bralyx’s global presence and impressive numbers reinforce our customers’ satisfaction. They find in our machines the ideal solution to optimize their production processes.

+ 0
Machines sold
+ 0
Countries served
+ 0 k
Machines sold
+ 0 k
Businesses impacted
  • We are pioneers and creators of the tabletop coxinha machine;
  • We have been in the market for over 30 years;
  • We focus on providing a great consumer experience;
  • Our machines are developed with advanced technology and high-durability materials;
  • We have a highly qualified technical support team;
  • Technical assistance centers spread across Brazil and the world;
  • Our goal is to deliver the best options in efficiency and profitability;
  • Save on labor and gain in productivity;
  • The economic impact generated by our solutions is remarkable, thousands of food businesses are experiencing a significant increase in their revenues and profits.


Our numbers not only reflect the effectiveness of our products, but also highlight the important role we play in the financial strengthening of several companies and stimulating global economic development.
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