Food Processing Machine

Food Processing Machine

LATEST TRENDS ON FOOD PROCESSING MACHINE The food processing machine industry is a constantly moving sector. Just like cell phones, cars, household items and electronic goods, this kind of equipment has also evolved, whether in size, applications, features. With...
Food Processing Machine for Bakery

Food Processing Machine for Bakery

HOW BAKERIES TURNED INTO PLACES OF ENTERTAINMENT If bakeries used to be no more than a quick stop for grabbing fresh baked bread, now they have acquired brand new meanings. Whether it is the artisanal shop next door or the large franchise network that receives...
Food Processing Machine

Kibbeh Encrusting Machine

MAKING ARABIC SAVOURIES WITH kibbeh encrusting machine The millenary roots of Arabic cuisine have transcended the inventiveness of contemporary gastronomy due to its peculiar range of tastes, spices and ingredients. Dishes like  hummus, falaffel, tabbouleh, kofta and...
Bralyx kicks off with lauching of Machine for Empanadas

Bralyx kicks off with lauching of Machine for Empanadas

BRALYX KICKS OFF WITH LAUNCHING OF MACHINE FOR EMPANADAS Pioneering in the manufacture of equipment for savories, Bralyx has expanded its activities not only beyond Brazilian border, but also in the search for solutions to meet the varied needs of the food industry....
Ramadan – A Great Muslim Celebration

Ramadan – A Great Muslim Celebration

Ramadan is a sacred month in Islamic culture in which Allah, gave the first chapters of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic calendar is based on cycles of the moon and Ramadan happens in the ninth month of their year. Fasting (from sunrise to sunset) during...