Bralyx, manufacturer of equipment for the food industry, that has a solid international presence in over 70 countries. Its machinery line can produce an infinite range of finger foods of the most varied ethnicities and countries specially for Middle East like kibbeh, maamoul, dates ball, labneh, falafel and many others filled dumplings. That’s why so many producers and emprises come to Bralyx looking for a Machinery Line for Middle East Cuisine, because Bralyx has the highest quality machinery line that the current martket can offer.
The company has developed specific technology capable of processing the mutton (lamb meat) for kibbeh/kubba and almond flour for maamoul, among other applications. This technology has been tested and approved by clients in several markets of the Middle East, such as Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE.
Big 6.0 MKR, is the forming and encrusting machine which specially developed with this system and it can be aligned to Cutting/Stamping to produce ma´amoul, kahk, fruit bars and cookies too. The machine supports the production of many kind of business such as restaurants, hotels and catering, etc.
Bralyx is increasing its presence in the Middle East market due to the fact that Brazilians have a strong connection with its cuisine. In the late 19th century, people from Middle East helped building the current Brazilian culture and, over the years, its traditional cuisine has become very popular in Brazil. Another pillar is Bralyx’ ability to customize equipment to the needs of clients, as well as the strong investments in development and research. “We invest in knowledge to adapt equipment to the needs of each food culture”, explains company CEO Gilberto Poleto.
Following this path, Bralyx has launched a solution to optimize the production of another Middle East delicacy: Fatayers (sfihas). The FORMIX MULTIDOUGH, is a forming and encrusting (filling) machine that works with various types of laminable doughs, perfect for the production of this product.
Bralyx is dedicated to technology and services that ensures productivity, quality and profits for food markets. In 2012, Bralyx Europe was founded in Bedford, England and Bralyx USA, in 2016, in Palm Springs – Florida, to attend closely our worldwide customers.
Furthermore, the company has sales representatives in various countries engaged in diversifying gastronomic cultures and spreading expertise in the food industry.
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